Experience the rejuvenating benefits of colon hydrotherapy at Awaken Colonics.

Our gentle and effective cleansing process helps restore your body's natural balance, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Detoxify your system and promote overall wellness with our professional colon hydrotherapy services.

Why is Colon Hydrotherapy Needed?

The intestines are virtually ignored by most people as a part of the body which needs utmost attention to maintain good health, although this system functions as an essential foundation for all other systems in the body. If the foundation is weak, the rest of the structure will be affected.

In addition to toning the colon, colonics help increase circulation, calm the nervous system and bring relief from headaches, food allergies, backaches, indigestion, colds and many other disorders. Most importantly, the body is better able to metabolize good sources of nutrition.

The Most Common Conditions for which Patients Seek Help with Colon Hydrotherapy

Other than to improve their general health and immune system (because intestinal health is so vital to many or all other health systems in the body), some of the most common conditions for which patients seek help with colon hydrotherapy, are:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Cancer

  • Chronic Constipation

  • Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Persistent “Indigestion”

  • Suspected Intestinal Parasites

HERING’S LAW OF CURE: “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in the reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.” With this in mind, it makes sense to look inside us for answers. Yes, “Death Begins in the colon,” they said. This theme was an important discussion on Alimentary Toxemia held before the Royal society of Medicine of Great Britain. Fifty-seven leading physicians all agreed that poisons of Alimentary Intestinal Toxemia can result in grave disease as demonstrated in their actual practice. Among the symptoms and diseases found due to a toxic colon were: duodenal ulcer causing partial or complete obstruction of the duodenum; increase in gas production; imbalances of the large intestine (adhesions, ballooning, colitis, diverticulitis, mucosal dysfunction, spasticity, strictures, ulceration); heart and blood vessels wasting and weakening; headaches of various kinds; degenerative changes of the eyes; formation of wrinkles and other disorders of the skin; muscles and joints degeneration; mental irritability and muscular fatigue; various displacements, distortions and diseases of the uterus and other disorders of the female reproductive organs; degeneration of the organs of elimination & detoxification especially the liver, kidney and spleen; pernicious anemia; lowered resistance to infection of all kinds and much more.

What to Expect At Your Colon Hydrotherapy Session

After the therapist performs a rectal exam, the instrument, called a speculum, is lubricated and gently inserted into the rectum. The water enters and exits your body to gently bathe the colon as the therapist performs abdominal massage techniques. A very specific technique was designed by the center’s founder, Breanna Burling, using custom massage techniques, reflexology, and acupressure points working with the abdominal cavity to stimulate healthy function.

During the session the therapist explains the anatomy and physiology of the colon, discusses nutrition and lifestyle habits that can improve the client’s overall health.

The Gravity Method is a “closed system,” which means your elimination exits through a closed tube.  There is a clear segment of the waste tube for optional viewing and discussion of what is released. We provide each client a sealed, disposable speculum and tubing which is discarded after use.